分類:歐美劇 英國 2022
主演:艾丹·特納 肖恩·帕克斯 茜安·克利福德 卡米拉·比普特 亞當·詹姆斯 安佳麗·莫辛德拉 伊莫金·戴恩斯 湯姆·麥凱 鮑比·斯科菲爾德 Tara Lee Uma Warner 布羅娜·沃 安吉拉·格里芬 加里·奧利弗 李·尼古拉斯·哈里斯 Richie Bratby Carys Bowkett 凱蒂·卡邁克爾 Stephen Whitfield 弗朗西絲卡·奈特 Paul Fairlie 杰克·瓊斯 ?
導演:詹姆斯·斯特朗 卡米拉·斯特勒姆-亨里克森 ?
Created by Gregory Mcdonald, Irwin Maurice “Fletch” Fletcher, is first introduced on the big screen from Michael Ritchie’s FLETCH (1985) and afterward a sequel, FLETCH LIVES (1989), starring Chevy Chase as the footloose and troubleshooting journalist-turned-shamus. Then it takes more than 3 decades for a third installment to finally materialize. Greg Mottola’s CONFESS, FLETCH is adapted from Mcdonald’s second Fletch novel, published in 1976, with Jon Hamm assuming Chase’s mantle.
Sporting a Lakers’ baseball cap, moseying in Rome on a vespa, bedding an attractive client, insouciantly bantering with the police while being a prime suspect, Fletch has none the characteristics of a diligent PI, he might just as well be a poor man’s James Bond who is none the wiser than us spectators. His emanates one prominent impression, a happy-go-lucky sort who is more prone to play a detective than to be one, regarding other people’s foibles with perpetual amusement.
In the film, Fletch is easily framed for a murder while investigating a case of missing paintings, but instead of laying low, Fletch is keen on teasing inspector Monroe (Wood Jr.), who can barely juggle his vocation with parenting a toddler, and his tenderfoot sidekick Junior Detective Griz (Mayeri, a budding, po-faced comedienne ). Fletch is smart, sort of, but also over-confident in his judgement. He believes that he can charm his way out of any trouble, especially if it is the opposite sex is involved, and most of the time, he is right.
Mottola’s film immerses itself in a retro flair although the story is transposed to a present-day milieu, it never takes the crime too seriously, goofy characters present themselves alternately (Marcia Gay Harden is obviously having a ball with her affected mannerism and accents, and Annie Mumolo is nutty as a fruitcake as an accident-prone nosey parker and oversharer) and menace only flares up in the final reveal, even that, no blood-rushing thrill is induced because no soon than that, the culprit is summarily subjugated.
As a murder mystery, CONFESS, FLETCH lacks bite, but for what it is worth, it captures a very inviting and humorous atmosphere where vulgarity and violence is excluded in this lighthearted whodunit, not to mention that Hamm is on cruise control with his charisma and facility, which is always an eye-catching boon. Still, a more demanding leading role is necessarily required to put him on his mettle, it is somehow disheartening to see that his career hasn’t gone anywhere after MAD MEN (2007-2015).
referential entries: Greg Mottola’s PAUL (2011, 5.6/10); Dan Gilroy’s VELVET BUZZSAW (2019, 6.0/10).
Title: Confess, Fletch
Year: 2022
Genre: Comedy, Crime
Country: USA
Language: English, Italian
Director: Greg Mottola
Screenwriters: Greg Mottola, Zev Borow
based on the novel by Gregory Mcdonald
Music: David Arnold
Cinematography: Sam Levy
Editor: Andy Keir
Jon Hamm
Roy Wood Jr.
Ayden Mayeri
Lorenza Izzo
Kyle MacLachlan
Marcia Gay Harden
Annie Mumolo
John Slattery
Lucy Punch
John Behlmann
Eugene Mirman
Kenneth Kimmins
Robert Picardo
Travis Bennett
Nhumi Threadgill
Rating: 6.5/10
意外的還挺好看,廣告狂人+雙峰劇迷狂喜。Jon Hamm年紀大了也本山化成為喜劇人了,依然逃不出Don Draper的影子。劇本很充實,場景豐富,對話密集,也挺搞笑的。
一成不變地照著原著改編不是80年代才有的偷懶行徑嗎?還是這就是現在所謂的復古回歸故事性?當然,小說開局已經夠精彩了,mad man演繹得也還好吧。如果不是因為看過原著,我會扣1星,算是感情分了
現在的美國電影是有多喜歡苦笑臉的羅嗦鬼男主角呀,從超級英雄到這種喜劇偵探片,到處都是這個款。不是話太密,而是不分輕重緩急,幾乎每一句話后面都要加注,完全失去了幽默感而是像完成作業那樣走人設,也不幽默好玩,而且常顯擺并帶有高人一等的精英感“你看我知道的多不多”,比如在警局說做哪種瑜伽那句為典型,太讓人難受了。并不太喜歡現在Jon Hamm,人物失去了靈魂。故事不太有趣,作為偵探懸疑片都不怎么引人入勝。總之,不看也罷。
Fletch這角色在各種noir spoof片里算很特別的一個了,這個新版也是典型人畜無害但看得開心那種;John Hamm這幾年習慣了扮傻,但終歸還不是Chevy Chase那種純正傻白甜
挺好玩兒的,也有點無厘頭,很多邏輯問題,不過喜劇就看著玩唄。和上周剛看過的同樣是偵探背景的see how they run有點串戲,都是一老一年輕的警局偵探搭檔,相比感覺這部更好看點。
2022/01/06 NY—LA:第一部,三星半。有些臺詞真的很好笑。
12.10 一開始還行,但整部劇節奏有點沒把握好。尤其最后快結尾時怎么是膠片燒錢嗎?一下子就“噗”了,(并用意大利人的雞爪手勢)?因為Kyle,多給一星。
smart ass.